1 min read

1 min read
Josh William
Oct 2, 2023 8:00:00 AM
At Matco Tools, we firmly believe in the power of community-driven initiatives that go beyond the toolbox. Our Tools for the Cause campaign is more than just a collection of quality products – it's a way for us to give back and make a meaningful impact.
Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Empowering Hope
Since 2017, Matco Tools has proudly stood by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), the highest-rated breast cancer research charitable organization in the United States. With every turn of the wrench, we contribute to the largest private funder of breast cancer research worldwide.
As October rolls around, we launch our annual Tools for the Cause items, each one carrying a promise. Throughout the year, 15% of the sales from these items are dedicated to supporting BCRF's crucial work in advancing breast cancer research.
Supporting Our Heroes: Fisher House Foundation
Our commitment to making a difference extends to our military and veteran communities. Many of our Distributors and employees have served in the U.S. and Canadian armed forces, making organizations like the Fisher House Foundation particularly close to our hearts.
The Fisher House Foundation stands as a beacon of support, offering free lodging to military and veteran families while a loved one undergoes hospital care. Since 1990, they've served nearly half a million families across almost 100 facilities in the United States.
Every May, Matco launches a selection of Fisher House Tools for the Cause items. Just like with our Breast Cancer Research Foundation partnership, 15% of the sales from these items are directly donated to the Fisher House Foundation.
Tools for the Cause: Your Purchase, Your Impact
Tools for the Cause isn't just a slogan – it's a commitment. With every Tools for the Cause purchase, you're not just getting top-notch tools; you're becoming part of a movement to create positive change. Join us in making a difference, one sale at a time.
Explore our Tools for the Cause collection today, and let's build a better tomorrow together. Your support matters!